Under the picnic pavilion is a boardwalk that leads to Turkey Creek...
If you'd like to, you can click the picture it will enlarge the plaque, and you can learn more about it here...
The boardwalk goes through the woods and you get to walk alongside the creek...
There are places to sit and rest along the way....I love the way the sunshine finds it's way through the trees, and shines through onto the shady pathway
there's decks at several locations along the boardwalk that leads to the water
No swimmers here today, it's winter in the Northwest Florida Panhandle, but in the summertime this place has a lot with swimmers...
Better head back now, the sun is started to go down, and it will be dark soon
It looks like we made it back just in time, because the park will be closing soon now
Our family always enjoys walking here alongside this creek. It's just a short drive from where we live at. I hope you enjoyed coming along with us today! Thanks for visiting!