01 Nature Walks and Day Trips....Places To See...: Oaks By the Bay Park Panama City, Florida


Oaks By the Bay Park Panama City, Florida

Oaks by the Bay is a beautiful park....... It was only 50 degrees....so we had the park to ourselves.....

This park is in the historic downtown district Panama City, Florida.....it is in the St. Andrews Bay area of town.......

This oak tree is estimated to be 250 years old.....it is so beautifully draped with moss....a lot of the trees here are......
A four headed palm....

This plaque gives reference to this rare four headed palm....the only one of it's kind known in the world......you can read more about it, if you click on the picture.....

This plaque is a reference to the huge oak tree that's in the center of the park......

I see a boardwalk path and some water.....

Here's a nice spot to sit a while, but on second thought.....since it's a little chilly today....let's just keep moving........

The water is at low tide right now.......

Well, it's time to head back.......

Let's take a different path onto the boardwalk.........

Well, it's time to head back to the car it's starting to get really chilly......but before we go....

Let's take a quick look at this interesting piece of history....(click picture to enlarge), it tells a little bit about the civil war and .......
this is a salt kettle from 1861-1865.......

I look forward to coming back here again in the spring and summer months......it would be a wonderful place for a picnic....nice and shady, and so peaceful and beautiful. In the tree above, there are two birds....I would think they are telling us good-bye....
Here's look back at the historic district of town..........

I hope you enjoyed coming along with us on this winter day!

Farewell until next time....