01 Nature Walks and Day Trips....Places To See...: Pebble Hill Plantation Thomasville, Ga....


Pebble Hill Plantation Thomasville, Ga....

(Photos taken November 2017)

My husband and I spent a few days away on a little getaway trip back in November of 2017 and Pebble Hill Plantation was one of the places we visited...I'm glad you stopped by to take the tour with us today!  

The grounds here are beautiful....and a great place to slow down and relax.... and take a step back in time....
I'm glad we had on our athletic shoes ....because there is so much to see here....

 This was the courtyard and stable area....I love all of the huge mossy draped trees....

 Nurses Station above....

 This building above was the laundry building...


 above are the stables....

 This brick building was the pump house....

This is Home (view from the backside), I don't know how I didn't photograph the other side of the house, but I didn't get a picture of it. The front side of had the traditional huge white columns. We took the guided tour of the inside of the home and it was beautiful... but as with most house tours, no photographs were allowed to be taken inside...

As beautiful as the home was, it still could not compare to what was behind the gate of the cemetery...I was in complete awe when I walked inside the iron gate door....
 Huge camellia bushes were in bloom and had dropped some of their petals, they had perfectly fallen to the ground filling the pebble pathway with pretty pink petals... the moss covered  raised burial sites had a sprinkling of pink on the tops of them as well.  As my eyes took in this place, I thought to myself, only God Himself could have orchestrated this...  created something so breathtaking... He had surely breathed His breath on this place, and filled it with such majesty... the natural beauty here could have only been his handiwork....

 I feel so privileged that I got to see this special place and capture this moment in time... here with the blooming camellias that had so gracefully fallen upon this place.

I've never been in a more tranquil peaceful cemetery as this, it's like God was whispering to me that death is nothing to fear... it will be beautiful beyond the gate....when we are in his presence one day in heaven.

After the Home Tour and visit to the cemetery...
 We walked across the parking lot to find a lake...
 There were subtle signs that a change of season was underway....fall was beginning to arrive in South Georgia....

 Canadian geese were enjoying this place too, the day we were there....it was a wonderful way to spend a day!

We so enjoyed our day here!

For more information about this very special historical place you can click HERE to visit their website.

Thanks for coming along with us today!