01 Nature Walks and Day Trips....Places To See...: Gatlinburg TN. Summer 2016


Gatlinburg TN. Summer 2016

We stayed in Gatlinburg on our vacation May 2016, we had such a fun time....this is a walking town and it was so wonderful that our hotel was in the heart of downtown, so we could easily get out and about, without having to get in the car and find parking.

There are rocky streams around every corner here it seems, this was the view from our hotel balcony....

My favorite shopping area in Gatlinburg was The Village, it has Bavarian style buildings and brick paths, so charming and quaint......

 I didn't think we were gonna get any pictures of me and my husband together, but he figured out how to set the camera timer and we found a spot to sit the camera that was the right height too, yay! I wanted at least a few pictures of us as a couple together... instead of us just having to take pictures of each other by ourselves.

We weren't brave enough to go in the Haunted Mansion, but it was fun to walk by along the Riverwalk!

Be sure to check out my next post where we go on a nature hike to a waterfall and we visit inside
The Smoky Mountains National Park!