01 Nature Walks and Day Trips....Places To See...: Southern Alabama Small Town- Historic District...


Southern Alabama Small Town- Historic District...

 We went on a day trip, and along the on the way we explored this charming small town of Ozark, in Alabama....we road around the historic district and downtown....we love looking at old houses....

There are lots of pretty old homes in the historic district here....

and I love those moss draped oaks.......this street was peaceful and quiet....

The downtown district of the town has a town square, it's easy to get around....it's not too busy, and was a fun place to explore. There are a lot of thrift stores to plunder through too...

The day we visited it was December, it was dressed up for Christmas time along the sidewalks, with draped greens and red bows (below)....

Though I didn't find anything.....I had such a fun day anyway. Hanging out in this town, brought back wonderful memories of Grandma and Grandpa, this is where they lived all of their lives. 

In the Downtown area, I remember there used to be a small mom and pop's department store that Grandma would take me in when I was a little girl, it was called Holland's....they had the prettiest little girl's dresses hanging in there. Holland's has long closed it's doors, but I found the building anyway...I just had to look inside of those windows again and so I did. I also found the drug store where mama used to take me to get a vanilla soda at the fountain shop.... that was 40 years ago, sweet memories... weren't those old fountain shops the best?!  Though the drug store was still there, the fountain shop inside was not in there anymore.  I didn't figure it was. I'd love to find a town that still had one of those...you'd sit at a long bar, in a red vinyl bar stool with chrome stands....and your soda would actually be mixed up right in front of you. A cherry coke was such a treat, but my favorite was always vanilla soda.  

Well, I hope you enjoyed coming along with us today.... and going down memory lane with me.